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JavaScript Concepts for Senior Software Engineer Interviews



Ready to level up your JavaScript skills? You’re on an exciting path! JavaScript reigns as the most popular programming language, with a staggering 78% usage rate among developers, surpassing Python, Java, HTML, and CSS. Mastering advanced JavaScript opens doors to building complex websites independently, making any future framework learning much smoother.

I bet you’re already comfortable with JavaScript basics: variables, data types, control flow, functions, arrays, and objects. Are we on the same page? Excellent! Now, grab your preferred drink (coffee is great), and get ready. We’re about to dive deep into the world of advanced JavaScript with in depht-analysis and code examples, transitioning from basic proficiency to seasoned expertise. Let’s get started!

1. Differences Between Map and Objects

In JavaScript, Map and objects are both used to store collections of key-value pairs, but they have distinct differences in their operation and use-cases.

Map vs. Objects:

  • Key Types: A Map allows keys of any data type, whereas objects only support strings and symbols as keys.
  • Order of Elements: Map preserves the order of elements, which is beneficial for certain algorithms.



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